Character mode
Areas of Interest
Character mode
Source: Amazon
Most of us are willing to learn how to navigate clunky website and mobile app layouts because even the best-designed visual interfaces take some getting used to—it’s an expected part of the process. The same is not true for voice-based interactions, which we’re immersed in from the very beginning of our lives.Source: CodeAcademy
Anyone producing audio content should think about voice devices as NPR study found: “39% of respondents replacing time spent listening to radio with smart speakers”.
Companies that have a high volume of repetitive orders (food delivery, groceries, daily deals).
Customer-oriented companies that want to expand on touchpoints with customers, as for example the pharma company Zyrtec publishes news with pollen counts and predominant allergens for a given area.
Clearly, voice is for real, and it’s a thing, and it’s going to be adopted probably at a more rapid rate than other technologiesSeth Farbman, CMO Spotify
We will deliver an in-depth analysis of the future of your industry with the perspective of voice interface.
Based on the agreed scenario, we will deliver an Alexa Skill prototype of a voice app that will give you and your board first-hand experience of what is to be part of the voice ecosystem.
Fully operational app integrated and build in alignment with your brand and customer needs.